Paragraph status and types

Paragraph status and types

Paragraph status

- Conversion

- Machine translation

  • Grey background of the paragraph: Indicates that the paragraph is 100% matched (locked).
  • Red background of the paragraph: Indicates that the paragraph is a fuzzy match.
  • Yellow background of the paragraph: Indicates that the paragraph is new and should be translated from scratch.
  • Green background of the paragraph: Indicates that the paragraph is a conversion and needs to be checked and adjusted.
  • Blue background of the paragraph: Indicates that the paragraph is machine translated.


Paragraph typesOpen paragraphsParagraphs with source texts which are to be translated from scratch. The payment covers 100% of the paragraph word count.


Fuzzy paragraphsParagraphs in which the translation has either been fetched from our translation memories or from a previous translation within the same file. The translation should be read and changed if necessary. The original may differ (up to 25 %) from the new original regarding codes, digits and word deviation. The payment covers 25% of the paragraph word count.

See Fuzzy Matches in Transtool.


Locked paragraphsParagraphs which are already translated by means of a matching process with our translation memories are locked. If the source text is translated once and repeated elsewhere in the translation, paragraphs containing the repeated text are considered as duplicates and are therefore locked. Words in locked paragraphs are not taken into consideration regarding total word count and not paid for. Please do not unlock a locked paragraph without prior consent of a CBG administrator.


Conversion paragraphsConversion can be used to adapt one language variant into another (eg British English into US English) or to modernize the spelling of the text (eg Portuguese). Words for conversion are ranked as better matches than fuzzy matches, which is the reason why they are handled separately.


Machine translation paragraphsOverviewMachine Translated paragraphs are indicated for translators by:

  • Icon
  • Status message shown between source and translation windows

They have to be amended (if necessary) and then validated (mandatory) by clicking the "Validate" button.


StatusBefore validation:

After validation:


Keyboard shortcutThe Validate/Unvalidate functionality can also be triggered by a shortcut key. See Keyboard shortcuts in Transtool for details and a full list of other keyboard shortcuts.


Automatic navigation to next paragraphThe behaviour of the button can be customised to Validate AND skip to the next unvalidated paragraph.

This behaviour is changed via the Settings menu:

Click "Edit settings... (System INI file)" and then select the "Move to next...." option:

Click "Apply and close" to activate the new behaviour.