Supplier Portal - Translation User Guide

Supplier Portal - Translation User Guide


  • Scope: Translation module in the TANGO Supplier Portal
  • Intended Audience: CBG Suppliers
  • Report errors to: CBG Support Center


Table of Contents


IntroductionThe CBG Supplier Portal includes a tool designed for suppliers to accept/reject translation tasks, translate and submit the completed translation.

Please use Google Chrome!

It is HIGHLY recommended you use the Google Chrome web browser to access the Supplier Portal.

The Supplier Portal has only been tested using Chrome, and using other browsers to access the Supplier Portal can cause (and has caused) problems for people trying to use the site.

Chrome can be downloaded here:


Translation process in brief

  1. Login to the Supplier Portal
  2. Go to the Translation module
  3. Check the order list and accept a translation task
  4. When all the segments are translated and marked as done, click Hand-in task button
  5. Check and fix all the errors (if any) displayed in the Quality check window. Click Confirm only if the remaining errors are false positives.
  6. You will see your order in Done status


Site navigationThe Supplier Portal consists of various modules, such as Invoicing and Translation, among others. You can see which module you are currently using in the dropdown menu at the top of the page.

To enter the translation module, choose it from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.

Not seeing the translation module?

If you cannot see the translation module in the dropdown menu, please contact CBG by filing a support ticket using the "Request support" feature described here: How to request support?


Help & Support menuIf you experience any problems with the Supplier Portal, you can use the Help & Support menu.

Click on the "?" Help & Support menu in the top-right corner of the page to see the list of user guides.


Translation moduleThe Translation module has been designed to:

  • Allow suppliers to accept/reject translation tasks sent by CBG
  • Use as an online translation tool
  • Submit the completed translation/revision tasks back to CBG


Task dashboardGetting started with the online translation - translation order listOnce you enter the Translation module, you will see a list of all translation tasks that are assigned to you.

You can filter your tasks by the following five predefined filters:

  • All: shows a list of all tasks
  • Pending: shows a list of pending tasks only
  • Started: shows a list of tasks that have been accepted and not submitted
  • Rejected: shows a list of all rejected tasks
  • Done: shows a list of submitted tasks
  • Reassigned: shows a list of tasks that have been reassigned
  • Expired: shows a list of tasks that have expired
  • Cancelled: shows a list of tasks that have been cancelled

You can adjust the list and choose which filters you wish to see. Click on the folder menu on the top right side, above the list, and you will get the list of all possible tabs to choose from.

Tasks can have 3 levels of urgency, depending on the proximity of the deadline:

  • Red: 1 day or less
  • Yellow: between 1 and 2 days
  • Green: more than 2 days

You can adjust the list and choose which columns you wish to see. Click on the 3 bars menu on the top right side, above the list, and you will get the list of all possible columns to choose from.

You can sort the list by a field, in ascending or descending order, by clicking the arrow icon next to the column name:

You can also filter the results by clicking on the filter icon next to the column name:

Type the expression to filter by and approve:

Upon clicking on a task, you will see a list of details for the selected task:


Types of tasksCurrently, there are five types of tasks in the translation module:

  • TRN = Translation: allows text editing, leaving comments is disabled
  • REV = Revision: allows text editing and leaving comments
  • COR = Correction: invariably follows a Revision task; allows text editing and reading comments
  • CON = Conversion: this is a translation where source and target language is the same, but they have different variants (like from en-GB to en-US). It allows text editing, leaving comments is disabled.
  • TRU = Translation Update: this is a translation task prefilled with the previously translated content to be corrected. It typically contains comments from the customer or CBG indicating the required corrections. It allows text editing, leaving comments is disabled.


Accepting/Rejecting tasksCan you see a task in "Pending" status in your order list? If so, it means you are one click away from starting the translation.

Click on the task you want to start working on and click Accept. Alternatively, click Reject instead. You can also preview the task before you make your decision.

Having accepted the task, you will be presented with the translation editor.

If you decide to preview the task before accepting/rejecting it, you will be able to (1) Accept or (2) Reject it in the preview mode at the bottom of the task


Translation editorWhen you open a task in new window, you will see the main details of the task shown in the window tab:


LayoutThe translation editor is composed of various panels, each of which has its own specific purpose:

  1. Toolbar
  2. Summary pane
  3. Translation Units / Segments
  4. Navigation & Filters
  5. Details pane
  6. Preview pane (optional)


Here are the descriptions of the toolbar's main functions (from the left):

  • Index of the currently selected segment. You can also type a number here, press Enter, and you will be moved to the segment with that index.
    • The index number indicating the active segment will stay there until the moment you click on another segment
    • The index number indicating the active segment will stay there even when you navigate between toolboxes or configuration options
  • Position: shows which segment number you are in now
  • Search loop: opens Search & Replace menu
  • Source language → Target language: information about the combination of languages used in this task
  • Undo: allows you to undo an action (or a series of actions)
  • Redo: allows you to redo the most recent action (or a series of actions)
  • Toggle preview: opens a preview panel (if available for your task)
  • Task info: allows you to see all the details of your task, such as number of segments, number of translation files your task consists of and translation due date
  • Settings: allows you to change various settings of the translation editor
  • Save changes: allows you to save your work and update the progress of your translation task
  • Hand-in: allows you to hand-in a completed translation task
  • Back to dashboard: takes you straight to the dashboard where you can see a list of all your tasks
  • Help & Support: opens the list of helpful user guides and support request
  • Profile: this feature is not yet implemented
  • Sign out: signs you out of the Supplier Portal


Summary paneThe Summary pane contains the basic information about the task, such as:

  • Type of task
  • Source and target language
  • Number of Translation Units and files
  • Deadline
  • Word count
  • Instructions for the task

The Summary information can be viewed at any time by clicking the in the Toolbar.


Instructions for the taskThere may be some instructions for you to follow while performing translations. They may be valid for all locales, or only for the specific language.

It is possible that you will have to confirm, with a checkbox click, that you have read them. Only then will you be able to start the task.

If there are many instructions to confirm, you can do it by ticking the box "Accept all instructions" below all instructions.


Translation Units / SegmentsThis is where you can see the source segments and complete the translation in the target segments.

It also shows contextual information, and the status of each Translation Unit as a coloured circular icon.

More information below.


Mark as doneYou need to "Mark as done" any TU which is not confirmed yet.

You can do it by clicking on the coloured circular icon to submit the translation:

Or by clicking on a "Mark as done and move to another empty segment" icon at the bottom right corner of the editor:

Or by using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+ENTER".


Leaving commentsYou can click the comment symbol to leave a comment for a particular translation segment.

The following window will appear once the symbol is clicked:

You can write any comment, and add it for the revisors to see it.

It is possible to add several comments for each segment.


Navigation & FiltersSome translation tasks are long and are composed of numerous source files. For such tasks the Navigation tool can be used to skip directly to a particular file.

The Filter option will be implemented in a later version, and will allow you to show/hide only incomplete Translation Units, for example.


Details paneThis section is usually on the right-hand side of the screen, unless space is limited in which case it will automatically move to the bottom of the screen.

It contains the following:

  • Translation Memory (TM) Matches
  • Terminology
  • Comments
  • Change History
  • Links
  • Search Results

More information below on how to use these features.


Preview paneThis feature may or may not be available, depending on the project. It allows the translator to see the translation in the original format.

If there is a preview specified for your task, you can open it by clicking on an Eye icon on the Toolbar:

The Preview pane will open at the top of the translation editor, and you can see a live preview of your translation, and if there are any images attached to the translation file, they are also visible in the preview.


Working with the Translation Units / SegmentsAdding translationOn the left-hand side of the translation editor you can see the source segments, and on the right-hand side, the translation segments.

Above each segment you can see its index number.

You can navigate through the list of segments using the Tab key (and Shift + Tab to move back) on your keyboard.

Clicking on a target segment will:

  1. Enable you to provide the necessary translation
  2. Open the Hints Dropdown, showing matches, terminology, fuzzy duplicates and spelling suggestions
    1. More information below on the Hints Dropdown
  3. Update the Details pane with the information for the selected Translation Unit
  4. Display the index of the Translation Unit in the indicator in the Toolbar

Note, if the target segment is locked, only points #3 and #4 will happen.


Hints DropdownThe Hints Dropdown takes a bit of getting used to, but should help you to translate efficiently, especially if you like to work without a mouse.

It's important to note that the Hints Dropdown is intended to intelligently assist with the translation task. It is not a complete reference for all relevant information for the Translation Unit. That can be found in the Details pane.

In the above example:

  • Hint 1 is a Translation Memory fuzzy match of 92%
  • Hint 2 is a terminology match

The dropdown is divided into 4 tabs:

  1. Summary, with 3 maximum each of TM matches, terminology matches, and fuzzy duplicates, plus all spellcheck suggestions
  2. TM matches
  3. Terminology matches
  4. Fuzzy duplicates

When moving to the next segment, the dropdown will always return to the Summary tab, and you can switch within all tabs if you want.

The content of the dropdown depends on the current content of the target segment, the position of the cursor, and the characters currently being typed.

Keyboard controls:

  • Alt + Down is used to focus on the dropdown
  • Alt + Up or Escape is used to focus back on the target segment
  • Up and Down arrows navigate the items in the dropdown
  • Enter inserts selected items into the target segment
  • Left and Right arrows switch tab in the dropdown from Summary, to TM Matches, to Terminology, to Fuzzy Duplicates

When inserting an item, if the target segment already contains part of the item, the system will try to insert the rest of the item intelligently instead of duplicating part of it.

E.g. for a term "steering wheel", if the target already contains "steering", the system will only insert "wheel" after it instead of "steering wheel"


Using the Details paneWhen the focus is placed on a translation segment, the Details pane shows the relevant information for that Translation Unit.

All sections that contain information are automatically expanded and have an indicator showing how many items are present.


TM Matches section
This section shows all the TM matches (if any) for a particular segment. They can be inserted from the Hints Dropdown (see above) or by clicking a match in this pane.

If you see a fuzzy match here, it will show the difference between the source text from the Translation Memory, and the source text in the task you are working on:

  • Green coloured text is from the source segment you are working on
  • Red coloured text is from the source segment from the Translation Memory


Terminology section
This section shows the requested/forced/blocked terminology (if any) for a particular Translation Unit. They can be inserted from the Hints Dropdown (see above) or by clicking a term in this pane.


Currently-used icons







Comments section
If comments have been added to the Translation Unit, in this task or in a previous one for the same project, they are visible in this section.

See below for more information on how to leave comments.


Change History
This section shows the history of the target segment. Each time a task is handed in for a project, the Change History is updated.

So if you perform the initial translation, and then someone performs a revision task on the same project and they make a change to a segment, and you subsequently receive a Correction task, you will be able to see your original version and also the version from the reviser.

Click on the Eye icon in the Change History section to see what changes have been applied.

  • Green coloured text is what has been added
  • Red coloured and strike-through text is what has been deleted


This section might include a link to the HTML page/format of the object/file to which the Translation Unit belongs. This feature depends on the source system of the files and is not always available.


Search Results
When you perform a search (see below for more information), the results are listed here.


You can create a personal custom dictionary that can store words that you have added. Such words will be available for all tasks that you are working on for the same target language.

To add a word to the dictionary, you should click a plus icon next to the word, that is shown in the right side panel in Spelling section:

You can always access your custom dictionary and manage the entries: delete or add new words.

From the task main menu choose Settings and then Private Dictionary:



Adding special characters and tagsSpecial characters
Currently, the method for inserting characters like thin space, non-breaking space, etcetera is to use Windows' built-in functionality using the Alt + numpad keys.

For users that have laptops with no number pad, this guide may be of use Inserting a special character in the Translation editor. The instructions can adapted for other hard-to-access characters.

However, the intention is to implement better solutions to facilitate the insertion of such characters.


Tags can be inserted by two methods:

  • Press Ctrl+Space in the target segment. This will insert the next tag from the source (that doesn't already exist in the target) at the location of the caret/cursor in the target.
  • Click on the tag in the source. This will insert the clicked tag at the location of the caret/cursor in the target.

Repeating the above actions will add more and more tags. If there are no more tags to add from the source it will add the last one again.


Search & ReplaceSearching
To search for text in the source and/or target segment, you have two options:

  • Press Ctrl+F
  • Click the Search icon in the Toolbar

Either method will show the Search form, with Source selected by default.


  1. Type the search string to search for
  2. Choose the options you want, currently:
    1. Source
    2. Target
    3. Case sensitive
    4. Match whole word
  3. Then either press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon

The results are shown in the Details pane and the search form shows the number of results.

If you click on a result in the Details pane, it will put the cursor in the target segment of that Translation Unit.


Currently it's only possible to replace ALL occurrences in OPEN target segments.

To show the Search & Replace form, you have two options:

  • Press Ctrl+H
  • Click the little arrow on the left of the Search form (you need to open that form first of course - see above)

Either method will show the Search & Replace form, with Target selected by default.


The process is as follows:

  • Type the search string to search for and the string to replace it with, and press Enter with the cursor in the replace field
  • The system will show you how many occurrences will be replaced if you confirm, and the Translation Units are listed in the Details pane:


  • If you want to proceed with the replacement, either press Alt+A or click the double-tick icon on the right-hand side
  • You should see a confirmation:



Keyboard shortcutsThe following keyboard shortcuts are available in the Supplier Portal Translation module. More will be added as the system matures.

"Caret" is another name for the cursor!

Shortcut Function Comments
Ctrl + F Focus the Search form  
Ctrl + H Show and focus the Search & Replace form  
When the caret is in a segment
Tab Go to next segment  
Shift + Tab Go to previous segment  
Ctrl + Down Go to the next "not done" segment  
Ctrl + Up Go to the previous "not done" segment  
Ctrl +  ENTER Mark as done and go to the next "not done" segment  
Caret movement and text selection
Right arrow Move the caret to the next character in logical order Right for LTR scripts, left for RTL scripts
Left arrow Move the caret to the previous character in logical order Right for LTR scripts, left for RTL scripts
Ctrl + left arrow Move the caret to the beginning of current/previous word  
Ctrl + right arrow Move the caret to the end of the current/next word  
Up/down arrow Move the caret up/down a line  
Home Move the caret to the start of the current line Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad Home key
End Move the caret to the end of the current line Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad End key
Ctrl + Home Move the caret to the start of the editor (before the first character) Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad Home key
Ctrl + End Move the caret to the end of the editor (after the last character) Note that this does not currently work with the Numpad End key
Ctrl + A Select all within the current segment  
Text editing
Enter Insert line break  
Escape Exit the currently edited group

E.g. If you double-click an editable Shared Text, the edition scope is limited to that Shared Text.

Pressing escape takes you back to the main segment.

Ctrl + Shift + Space Insert non-breaking space   
Ctrl + Q Copy TU source segment content to the target segment This will overwrite any existing text in the target segment
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action  
Ctrl + Y Redo the last undone action  
Ctrl + Space Inserts the next tag into translation at the current caret location

All target languages (although may not work for Chinese)

Ctrl + , Inserts the next tag into translation at the current caret location All target languages
Hints dropdown TM Matches / Terminology / Duplicates / Spellcheck  
Alt + Down Focus on the dropdown  
Alt + Up Focus back on the target segment  
Left / Right arrow Switch tab in the dropdown from Summary, to TM Matches, to Terminology, to Fuzzy Duplicates  
Up/down arrow Select the previous/next item from the dropdown  
Enter Insert the selected translation  


ScrollbarThe scrollbar on the right-hand side of the Translation Units is multipurpose.

Its functions are:

  • scroll quickly from one part of the task to another by clicking and dragging the scrolling handle - note that this can be a little slow if the task is large and not all Translation Units have been loaded yet

  • indicate in green the Translation Units that have a translation that passes the Quality Assurance checks

  • indicate in orange the Translation Units that have a translation that has triggered a Quality Assurance warning; hovering over that part of the scrollbar shows a clickable pop-up with the details of the warning(s):

  • indicate in red the Translation Units that have a translation that has triggered a Quality Assurance error, which will prevent hand-in; hovering over that part of the scrollbar shows a clickable pop-up with the details of the error(s):

Relay translationsIf there is a translation that has already been done to one language, and then is to be relayed to another language, all three languages will be visible in the translation editor:


Revision tasksRevision is one of the currently available task types in the Translation module.

It allows the reviser to read through a translation and either approve it or send it back to the original translator for corrections.


Marking segments as doneBefore you can hand in a revision task, you need to mark each segment as done.

This can be done by:

  • clicking on the "circle with a tick" icon in between the source and translation fields, or
  • using the similar icon in the small navigation toolbar in the bottom-right-hand corner of the translation panel
  • using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+ENTER"

Leaving commentsAs a reviser, you can click the comment symbol to leave a comment for a particular translation segment.

The following window will appear once the symbol is clicked:


Before adding the comment, you need to choose the issue type and its severity first. Those types follow the J2450 standard:


It is possible to add several comments for each segment.



Correction tasksCorrection is one of the currently available task types in the Translation module.

After the translation has been revised, and changes have been applied, or comments added, the translation comes back to the translator, in order to be corrected.


Identifying correctionsAll the translations that needs to be corrected will be marked as not done - the circle with a tick will be grey:

Or there will be a comment - the comment icon will be blue:


Marking segments as doneBefore you can hand in a Correction task, you need to mark each segment as done.

This can be done by:

  • clicking on the "circle with a tick" icon in between the source and translation fields, or
  • using the similar icon in the small navigation toolbar in the bottom-right-hand corner of the translation panel


Leaving commentsWhile doing the corrections, you can also click the comment symbol to leave a comment for a particular translation segment.

This works in the same way as for Revision tasks - see above.


Conversion tasksConversion is one of the currently available task types in the Translation module.

This is a translation task, where source and target language is the same, but they have different variants (like from en-GB to en-US).


Translation Update tasksTranslation Update is one of the currently available task types in the Translation module.

It allows the translator to read through a translation that was done before and make corrections if needed.

This task will also typically contain comments from the customer or CBG regarding what needs correcting.

There are two types of comments:

  • Global comments: these will be shown in the summary pane of the task (1). You will have to confirm, with a checkbox click, that you have read them. Only then will you be able to start the task.
  • Non-global comments: these will be shown directly above the segment they refer to (2).

Mark as doneYou need to "Mark as done" any TU which is not confirmed yet.

You can do it by clicking on the coloured circular icon to submit the translation:

Or by clicking on a "Mark as done and move to another empty segment" icon at the bottom right corner of the editor:

Or by using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+ENTER".


Leaving commentsYou can click the comment symbol to leave a comment for a particular translation segment.

The following window will appear once the symbol is clicked:


You can write any comment, and add it for the revisors to see it.

It is possible to add several comments for each segment.


Quality AssuranceQuality ChecksRight between the source text and the target text, you'll notice a symbol that changes its appearance automatically. This is the internal validation tool that runs a series of quality checks and, based on the result, may appear in the following forms:


  • The green symbol means the Quality Check passed and there are no problems with a given target segment, and that it has been marked as done:

  • The gray symbol with a tick inside it means the Quality Check hasn't started yet, or that it passed and there are no problems with a given target segment, you can mark it as done:

  • The orange symbol means the Quality Check found something that might need attention, in this case incorrect terminology:

  • The orange symbol with the tick inside it means the Quality Check found something that might need attention, and the segment has been marked as done:

  • The red symbol means the Quality Check spotted an error in the translation, in this case it's empty:

  • A symbol with a small dot means the current user has changed the translation since the previous translator handed-in this project, so this is normally seen in a Revision or Correction task:

  • A symbol with a dotted circle means that the content has changed since the current user last handed-in this project, so this is normally seen in a Correction task:

Hovering over the symbol will show a quality check summary:


In this summary issues are grouped by severity and order - errors at the top followed by warnings.

You need to correct all the errors in order to be able to hand-in your task.


SpellcheckTranslation editor has an in-built spell checking function, for most languages.

Whenever the spellchecker detects a misspelled word the Hints Dropdown will show suggestions to correct it.


To use one of the suggestions, either click on one of them or use the following sequence of keystrokes:

  • Ctrl+Down to focus in the dropdown
  • Up and Down arrow keys to select the desired suggestion
    • the target segment will preview the expected result of the change
  • Enter to substitute the incorrect word with the suggestion


Handing-in tasks
When your translation is complete and there are no empty paragraphs left, as a final step you need to submit it to CBG. In order to do so, click the Hand-in button located in the Toolbar at the top of the page.

Upon doing so, your translation will undergo a quick final Quality Check which looks for the following translation problems:

  • Empty paragraphs
  • Terms from the terminology list being omitted
  • Unchanged fuzzy matched segments
  • Many other problems, depending on the type of project and task

You should see the following message when there are no Quality Check issues:


Alternately, you will be shown a list of segments that the system thinks contain mistakes but that may end up being nothing more than "false positives".

If there are any errors listed then you need to resolve them before the system will allow you to hand the task in.


You can choose to view the Quality Check results "Grouped by TU" (TU = Translation Unit) or "Grouped by validator":


When you click on an issue, you will be taken to the specific segment where the problem was found, in order to fix it.

If there are only warnings listed, you can hand the task in without further corrections, but please ensure you review all warnings before doing so.

To make sure your task has been properly submitted, check that it is in Done status in the dashboard.



Task cancellationIf, for any reason, your task is cancelled, you will see a notification:


It is advised that in such situations you should contact your CBG project administrator if you were not expecting the cancellation.

If your task got cancelled and you cannot contact your project administrator, you can contact CBG by logging a call using the "Request support" feature described here: How to request support?


Notification bannersHave you noticed a notification banner like the ones below?

This is a communication system CBG uses to provide important information to Suppliers. These notification banners can be divided into two major categories:

  • Service Window notification banner: informing about an upcoming service window. Service windows always involve the system being unavailable for a specific period of time.
  • Warning Message notification banner: informing about a specific issue that Suppliers should know about.


Working offlineIt is possible to continue working in the Supplier Portal with limited functionality without an internet connection, although it will only be possible to work on segments that were already loaded before the connection was lost.

You will not be able to add a comment to a segment. However, the pop-up window which is displayed when adding comments will open.

To the left of the translation you will see the marker notifying that Supplier Portal is trying to save the translation.

If your Windows session gets locked after a period of inactivity or when you shut your laptop lid, you will still be able to continue on working on your translation task after you are back to the computer and log in to Windows again.

Once the internet connection is back, you may need to click on "Save changes".


More information