The status bar

The status bar

  1. Current paragraph and total paragraphs.
  2. Similar or duplicate of [paragraph #].
  3. Is the paragraph a "parent" of another paragraph, i.e. has it duplicates or similars in the file?.
  4. Is the paragraph a „ready unit”, i.e. matched from the translation memory („= ru”)? Or is it a fuzzy match which has been adapted („<> ru”) ?
  5. Is the paragraph „prop old” (i.e. locked for translation) or „prop” (i.e. in need of translation)?
  6. Language combination.
  7. Progress - this is the number of new/fuzzy words up to the current paragraph divided by the total number of new/fuzzy words
  8. "New" words after current paragraph.
  9. "Fuzzy" words after current paragraph.
  10. "Machine Translation" words after current paragraph.