How to recover dictionaries from Aspell

How to recover dictionaries from Aspell


  • Scope: Recovering the old dictionaries of the Aspell version in a new version of Transtool with Hunspell.
  • Intended audience: External translators.



  • Transtool external version already installed.
  • Version of Transtool later than 2013-07-13.



In order to recover the old dictionaries of the Aspell version in a new version of Transtool with Hunspell, you have to follow these instructions:

  1. Copy/move the old Aspell folder into the current Transtool folder.
  2. Start Transtool.
  3. Open a Transtool document (in the correct target language).
  4. Start a spellcheck.

This will automatically import all words that the translator added.

Those words used to be stored as "TRANSTOOLFOLDER\aspell\xx.pws" (where "xx" is the target language). If there is a file called "TRANSTOOLFOLDER\aspell\xx.pws.imported', then the dictionary has already been imported. This file is created the first time the words are imported from aspell to hunspell, to indicate that they should not be imported again.